Community of Peace Academy has partnered with Saint Paul Public Libraries (SPPL) to issue all CPA students a virtual library card, providing free library access in the classroom and in Saint Paul’s public libraries, called Library Go.
Library Go participants do not receive overdue fines, and SPPL staff will work with students who have lost materials to read down any fees. Students who already have a SPPL card will be issued a new card and their old card will remain active. For more information, please visit
In Minnesota, the following information about students is directory (public) information:
- Name
- Birth Dates
- Grade
- School
Additionally, the following information is designated as directory information only for Minnesota State Libraries:
- Address
- Home Phone
- Unique student ID#
- School email address
Families have the choice to opt out of this program if they do not want us to share their data with the SPPL system. If you would like to opt your students out of this program, you can do so by completing this google form or by completing the paper form that will be sent home with your child by the deadline of May 13.
Please contact CPA Librarian Kim Michalak ( or 651-280-4544) with any questions.