Board of Directors

The Board of Directors is the policy-making and long range planning body of the school. The Board also oversees the budget and supervises the work of the Executive Director.  

According to charter school law and the Bylaws of Community of Peace Academy, three teachers, three parents and three community members sit on the Board of Directors. All Directors serve three-year terms. The Board meets monthly and committee work is also required of Directors.

The Executive Director is hired and supervised by the Board, and is a permanent non-voting member.

Board of Directors

Name Title Member Type Term Expiration

Lydia Schultz

Director Parent June 2026

Megan Cina-Bernard

Secretary Teacher June 2025

Kevin Keto

Vice Chair Teacher June 2024

Maggie Elenz

Director Teacher June 2024

Orobosa Ero

Director Parent June 2024

Sarah Zosel

Chair Community Member June 2025
Teresa Vazquez de Nilsson Director Parent June 2026

Greg Buckner

Director Community Member June 2026
Tom Ciaccio Treasurer Community Member June 2026

Tim McGowan

Executive Director Non-voting Member  


Elections are run according to the Bylaws of Community of Peace Academy and in compliance with laws governing non-profit charter school boards in the State of Minnesota. CPA teachers, CPA parents/mentors and members of the community are eligible to serve on the Board of Directors and receive notice of openings each year. Teachers, parents and community members who are interested in serving on the Board are asked to submit their names and a brief statement of intent to the Board Nominating Committee by April 1st. This year the election will take place at our Annual Meeting on Thursday, May 16th at 6pm.  


Board meetings are open meetings; parents and members of the public are welcome to attend. The Board Meeting Calendar is published on the school calendar and on the school website. As a rule, Board meetings are held from 6:00pm-8:00pm in the Community of Peace Academy Conference Room on the second Monday of each month, August through June. Board meeting minutes are published on the school website following Board approval.

The Board of Directors affords students, staff, parents, guardians and members of the public opportunity for public comment. Please refer to the guidelines for public comment




Monday July 29th at 12pm in Conference Room A



Aug. 14, 2023 Sept. 11, 2023 Oct. 9, 2023
Nov. 13, 2023 Dec, 4, 2023

Jan. 8, 2024

Feb. 12, 2024 March 11, 2024 April 8, 2024
May 13, 2024 June 10, 2024  
Aug 8, 2022 Sept 12, 2022 Oct 11, 2022
Nov 14, 2022 Dec 12, 2022 Jan 9, 2023
Feb 13, 2023 March 13, 2023 April 10, 2023
May 8, 2023 June 12, 2023  


Board committees are working committees. They are advisory committees to the Board and as such may influence policy. The Executive Director and at least one Board Member sits on all Board committees. Members of the leadership team and outside consultants with expertise in specific areas may also sit on Board Committees. Board Committees include the Finance Committee, and the Facility/Health & Safety Committee.


The Finance Committee is charged with ensuring the long-term financial well-being of the school. The Finance Committee meets monthly to review the school’s financial reports and to advise the Board regarding all financial matters, including but not limited to salary, wages and benefits. The Finance Committee also reviews all budget updates and is the body that votes on individual teacher salary negotiations.

Meeting Schedule

The Finance Committee meets at 4:00 p.m. on the last Thursday of each month.  Until further notice this meeting will be held remotely on Google Meet.

2023-2024 Meeting Schedule
Sept 28, 2023 Oct 26, 2023 Nov 30, 2023
Dec 14, 2023 Jan 25, 2024 Feb 29, 2024
March 28, 2024 April 11, 2024 May 30, 2024


The work of the Mission and Policy Committee is to help focus the work of our entire district on our mission. This committee will seek, analyze, and reflect upon evidence related to student performance and growth in the areas of academic excellence, relationships, and peace in order to improve the outcomes of all students and improve our student’s learning experience. This committee will lead the initiative to update our Strategic Plan. Also, this committee sets up a schedule for the regular review of school policy over the course of each school year and submits updated policies to the board for approval.

Meeting Schedule

The Mission and Policy Committee meets at 3:00 p.m on the third Thursday of each month.

2023-2024 Meeting Schedule
Sept 21, 2023 Oct 12, 2023 Nov 16, 2023
  Jan 18, 2024 Feb 22, 2024
March 21, 2024 April 18, 2024 May 23, 2024


The Facility/Health and Safety Committee oversees the care and maintenance of our buildings and grounds, and health and safety procedures to ensure the well-being of our students and staff.

Meeting Schedule

The Facility/Health&Safety Committee meets at 7:00 a.m. on the first Thursday of each month.

2023-2024 Meeting Schedule
Sept 7, 2023 Oct 5, 2023 Nov 2, 2023
Dec 7, 2023 Jan 11, 2024 Feb 1, 2024
March 7, 2024 April 11, 2024 May 2, 2024


The Community of Peace Building Company (the Building Company) is a Minnesota nonprofit organization classified by the Internal Revenue Service as a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization, that owns the CPA school building and leases it to the Academy, in accordance with MN Statutes 124E.13 Subd. 3, 7a. Affiliated nonprofit building corporation.

Building Company Members
Ex-Officio Member: Tim McGowan
Executive Director
Member: Bonnie Johnson
District Business Manager
Treasurer: Molly Huml
Elementary School Principal
President: Jeremy Harvey
Community Member


2020-2021 Meeting Minutes
June 17, 2021    
2019-2020 Meeting Minutes
February 10, 2020 July 17, 2019 July 9, 2019
2018-2019 Meeting Minutes
August 4, 2018 October 30, 2018 November 12, 2018
November 19, 2018 December 19, 2018 February 6, 2019
March 6, 2019 April 15, 2019