651 776 5151

471 Magnolia Ave. E., Saint Paul, MN, 55130-3849


Academic Excellence

CPA students are prepared to thrive and to lead in a multicultural 21st century world with confidence, compassion, intelligence and positive regard for all.


At Community of Peace Academy, learning happens through relationships and thrives within a caring and value-rich community.


CPA is a diverse community of students, parents and staff dedicated to creating a peaceful school environment in which all members are treated with unconditional positive regard.

Latest News

Early Release Day

Friday September 20 and Friday September 27 are Early Release Days. Students will be di...

School Picture Day
School Picture Day: Weds Sep 18
September 16, 2024

CPA's picture day is on Wednesday September 18. Families can order photos using the ins...

All Events

10th Grade Retreat

All Day Event

9th Grade Field Trip

All Day Event

Kindergarten Field Trip

All Day Event

"The best way to ensure that no child is left behind is to ensure that those responsible for the education of all children are people who love them."

Dr. Karen Rusthoven, Founder of Community of Peace Academy

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