Digital Learning Days & E-Learning Days


Throughout the school year, there are several days where Elementary School students (grades PreK-4) do not have school, while Middle School and High School students (grades 5-12) have pre-planned Digital Learning Days and will work from home. Digital Learning Days are school days, and students who do not do their work will be marked absent. Students are expected to attend staff office hours and be engaged with their course work for the entire duration of the school day.  

Digital Learning Days differ from E-Learning Days, in that Digital Learning Days are pre-planned to allow time for state-mandated staff development, whereas E-Learning Days may be called in the event of unsafe weather conditions or other unforeseen circumstances. 

Please visit the CPA website to view the calendar for specific dates of pre-planned Digital Learning Days.


5th-12th Grade Digital Learning Day Schedule

5th-12th grade students will follow this schedule for Digital Learning Days:

English: 8:00-9:30am

Math: 9:30-11:00am

Lunch: 11:00-11:30am

Science & Social Studies: 11:30am-1:00pm

Specialists/Electives: 1:00-2:30pm

Staff members will share Google Meet links in Google Classroom. In addition, students will receive physical materials in advance. For questions or support, contact your student's teacher.


E-Learning Days  

Occasional school closures are impossible to avoid. However, we know that instructional time is lost and the momentum of learning is slowed when we close school. In order to support the continuity of learning, we may hold E-Learning Days for all or some grade levels when special circumstances arise or weather prevents us from holding classes as normal. E-Learning Days will be announced along with school closure announcements, if applicable. 

When E-Learning Days are called, information will be shared with students and families related to expectations for participation.

